Why the Suzuki Method?

The Suzuki Method is a mother-tongue approach to music education, using principles of language development as a blueprint for music learning. At Suzuki Strings of Denver, we believe that every child can learn when provided with a nurturing environment. We model our program after the key principles of the Suzuki philosophy listed here.


Parental Involvement

Parents, you get to be your child's "home teacher"! Your involvement and support will be essential to the success of your child. If you are not already a musician, we will happily teach you the basics of the instrument your child has chosen to study.


An early beginning

Children absorb more information and knowledge at younger ages than at any other time in their lives. In our program, it is never too late (or too early!) to begin learning!

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Just as children learn their native language through listening to others around them speak, your child will learn to play his or her instrument beautifully from daily listening to high-quality recordings.



Focused and consistent repetition is essential for musical retention and development. As a Suzuki Parent, you will learn fun ways to help your child hone their skills in daily practice.

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At SSD we provide students with an encouraging environment that allows for the development of self-esteem, empathy, and confidence, three essential elements of musical and personal growth.


Learning with other Children

Interaction with other musicians in an environment that encourages self-expression and individual growth allows for the development of ensemble skills and peer relationships.

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supplemental material

The primary instruction of musical and technical skills is gained through the literature in the Suzuki Volumes. Additionally, we incorporate music from an extensive range of composers and genres in our teaching.

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Note reading

Just as a child learns to speak before they learn to read, your SSD teachers will foster your child’s note reading skills to develop proficiency over time.

Thoughts from a Current SSD Parent:

“Music is an essential element that carries us through this otherwise crazy world.  We joined the Suzuki Strings of Denver studio as part of our world fell apart. Our family cherishes the fun community and joy of Suzuki music with Suzuki Strings of Denver.  The products of effort, commitment and discipline are a beautiful tone and heart that will remain with my children forever.  Music creates connections – between friends, between families, between neurons - that do last forever.  And for that, we are grateful and proud to be part of Suzuki Strings of Denver.”

To learn more about the Suzuki Method, visit suzukiassociation.org